Do you struggle with calming your nervous horse?

Have you and your horse lost confidence? Do you feel like something is missing? Like this isn’t the trusting horse-human relationship you were hoping for?

We GET IT! That's Why We Created This FREE Resource For YOU!

get Our 'Top tip for trust' video training and pdf

to Calm Your Nervous Horse & Build Trust!

to help YOU be the HUMAN your HORSE needs and DESERVES and support your horse in all kinds of situations ... without using increasingly harsh tools,

or techniques to ‘control’ them!

Embrace this one simple principle to build an amazing relationship with your horse

By embracing our #1 TIP - a motto that we live by with horses AND life - you can become the trustworthy leader your horse needs you to be, know how to keep them calm, avoid explosions, and start creating a little bit of MAGIC between you and your horse!

Learn THE Secret That Helped Inspire My Own Little Crossbreds

And Racetrack Rejects To Overcome Their Pasts And

Outperform Better Bred Horses, So YOU Can:

🐴 Inspire Your Horse’s Trust

🐴 Calm Your Nervous Horse

🐴 Create A Willing Partner Overcome Fears

🐴 Get Out Of Tight Spots

🐴 Avoid Shut Down & Frustration

🐴 Create Confidence & Flow 

🐴 Avoid Tension That Can Lead To Explosive Behaviours

🐴 Change How Your Horse Feels About Seeing You!


🐴 1 Video Lesson – International Three-Day Event Rider Paige Lockton and her father equine veterinarian Dr. Chuck Lockton, share how to apply their #1 Tip to help you gain a nervous horse’s trust, avoid fighting with them, help them feel safe under your leadership, and create the kind of harmony and confidence you've been looking for.

🐴 1 PDF - Explaining WHY horses think and act the way they do, including an action checklist, so you can start applying this tip right away!

Move forward on your journey with horses now!


Get Instant Access to our FREEBIE -


stop fighting with your horse, and gain confidence as you become the leader your horse deserves and trusts!

What You'll Learn:

How horses evolved as a prey species and how that affects their instincts.

How to react in stressful situations in a way that supports equine instincts and worldview.

How to be seen as a trustworthy leader in your horse's eyes.

How to ease tension by embracing elastic thinking and movement.

 Learn the principle that ALL Magicians of Horsecraft use to gain their horse’s confidence, get them out of tight spots - and make Magic with their horses!

What the heck our motto ‘Never Holler Whoa in a Tight Spot’ means, and the endless ways to apply it!

Be the leader your horse needs and get one step closer to MAGIC!

My name is Paige Lockton, and as an International competitor in the sport of Three-Day Eventing; just a regular girl who came from a small Northern town; I had to learn to make the most of the horses I had. Without money for a string of EASY, athletic, well-trained horses … I had to get creative! To pay for my career in international Eventing, I rode confirmed bolters, anxious mares, and rearing stallions - horses that no one else wanted get on.

“Send it to that long-legged Canadian - SHE’LL RIDE IT! She’ll ride ANYTHING!”

Thankfully, growing up as the daughter of a veterinarian endowed me with an innate ability to calm traumatized animals.

I know what it takes to inspire trust, and create willing partners who are happy to see you at the gate and outperform better bred horses!

I also taught keen adult amateurs from non-horsey families and witnessed them struggle to develop ‘feel’ and the relationship of mutual trust they dreamed of. So often, they just didn’t understand the species, so their reactions were all wrong!

Their intentions were good, but they were unwittingly causing tension that too often ended in rearing, refusals, and losing confidence by the day. I helped them through their frustration as they grappled with assimilating conflicting ‘methods’ between horse pros.

In this unregulated industry where anyone can hang their hat, I have seen EVERYTHING! Where do you start and how do you know who to trust? I get it. No wonder you are confused!

In fact, I struggled with this, too. Over the decades, I was lucky to learn from the best horse people from across the disciplines … but it wasn’t easy! It was confusing to assimilate all of their methods and approaches.

I filtered my learning through my Dad’s lens – a revered vet and horseman  – and together we figured out how to gel methodologies and philosophies. We found the ONE THING that ALL the Magicians in the world of Horsecraft agreed on.

Here, we share the first thing you need to know to help YOU develop your instincts, build trust, be the leader your horse needs, and improve your horse-human relationship. It's a philosophy we live by with horses ... AND LIFE!

Paige Lockton-Wilde

The Magic of Horsecraft

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